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Golf Game Stuck? Must watch this golf clinic 골프 스윙이 안 풀린다면? 꼭! 봐야하는 명품 클리닉 | 명품스윙 에이미 조

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I had a lovely golf clinic in Atlanta at the River Club. The clinic was to raise money for kids, for the Korean American Scholarship Foundation. This was December 2019, all the sponsors and volunteers were amazing! We had an auction to raise money and had a Meet & Greet afterwards! Thanks everyone for your support! xoxo
I talk about the most crucial info on the golf swing. If you are struggling with your golf game and swing mechanics, I am sure the lessons I gave at the clinic will be an eye opener for you!
I do my best to keep things original and fun at my clinics. If you want to inquire about a golf clinic with me, please email us at [email protected]

오늘 영상은 아틀란타에서 열린 골프 클리닉 입니다. 2019년 12월에 아이들 장학금을 마련하는 자선단체 자리였는데요, 저만의 유니크한 스윙 내용들과 재미있게 옥션 + 싸인회도 했습니다. 골프 스윙이 더이상 늘지 않는다 하시는분, 오늘 클리닉에서 나온 레슨들 참고 하시면 스윙, 샷 퀄리티 모두 좋아 지실거에요!
혹시 저와 함께 골프 클리닉을 주최하시고 싶은 단체 관계자분들, 여기로 이메일 주세요~
[email protected]

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