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Real Reason Why 5 Main Roster Superstars DIDN'T APPEAR In The Royal Rumble

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The Royal Rumble is one of the most exciting events of the year and for good reason. The main stipulation of the event is a match that functions on random wrestlers entering at spots between 1 and 30. Just picking the right competitors for a Royal Rumble match can be a major task. However, the WWE has found a great formula for it. The match will have most mid-carders with feuds which further in the match, a bunch of elimination fodder, the evident favourites, and the surprise returns.
However, the last bit usually takes away from someone else’s opportunity in the match. This year we saw returns of the likes of Christian and Hurricane Helms. We also saw Edge, who is unaffiliated to the main roster brands win the entire match. So which regular roster superstars lost their spot? We are the Wrestling Hub and these are 5 Main Roster Superstars That Didn’t Appear in the Royal Rumble and Why?

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WWE Logo Credit: Red Dragon Studios https://www.youtube.com/user/RedDragonStudios1
Music Credit: Instrumentals produced by Chuki http://www.youtube.com/user/CHUKImusic

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WWE, Wrestling Hub, Wrestling News
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