A more natural way to pull your hands back (and keep them up by your chin) after punching! Don't do weird stuff, guys. Get to the right positions and your fighting defense will be more automatic.
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https://www.secretstopunchingpower.com - SECRET punching techniques!
https://www.fightingfootwork.com - INTENSE FOOTWORK DRILLS!
https://www.30dayfightersdiet.com - get strong and LOSE WEIGHT
https://www.howtoboxin10days.com - learn HOW TO BOX in 10 Days
https://www.advancedboxingworkshop.com - ADVANCED punching power techniques and footwork
https://www.expertboxing.com - FREE BOXING TIPS!
https://www.secretstopunchingpower.com - SECRET punching techniques!
https://www.fightingfootwork.com - INTENSE FOOTWORK DRILLS!
https://www.30dayfightersdiet.com - get strong and LOSE WEIGHT
https://www.howtoboxin10days.com - learn HOW TO BOX in 10 Days
https://www.advancedboxingworkshop.com - ADVANCED punching power techniques and footwork

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